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Once you’ve done all your work, the professional published authors at Genealogy House can turn your material into a cohesive, compelling narrative that reads like the captivating story your family has to tell. Whether you want a few anecdotes or a full-length book narrative, our writers will create polished, professional text – as much or as little as you want – that will then be edited and proofread by experienced editors and proofreaders.

James Bigelow letter partial copy

Manuscripts are a bit like families: They come in all shapes and sizes, with different tales to tell. The content of your manuscript and how it is written is as important as the way it is designed and published. This is your book; you want it to be great. The professionals at Genealogy House agree.

You might need us to take the research you have compiled and turn it into a book; you might have already prepared a manuscript that simply requires copy editing; or you might be somewhere in between. Whatever the stage of your project, as publishing pros with years of experience in both traditional and collaborative publishing, our team will format your material into a well-prepared, captivating, and polished narrative that will be read, studied, and enjoyed for years to come.

The first thing we will do is review your manuscript (or your genealogy notes stuffed into a shoebox, if that’s what you have). We will then recommend a “next step” and suggest which of our manuscript services best suits your work.